Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

64.20 | Дeяteльнoctь xoлдингoвыx koмпaний

This class includes the activities of holding companies, in other words, units that hold the assets (owning controlling levels of equity) of one or more subsidiaries and whose only purpose is owning subsidiaries. The holding companies in this class do not provide any other service to the enterprises in which the equity is held, in other words, they do not administer or manage other units.

This class excludes:
- activities of shareholding companies, not owning controlling levels of equity, see 64.32
- dealing in financial markets on own account, see 64.99
- activities of asset management on a fee or contract basis, see 66.30
- provision of managerial services (e.g. strategic planning, decision-making and administrative services of a head office), see 70.10
- active management of companies and enterprises, strategic planning and decision-making of the company, see 70.10
This class includes the activities of holding companies, in other words, units that hold the assets (owning controlling levels of equity) of one or more subsidiaries and whose only purpose is owning subsidiaries. The holding companies in this class do not provide any other service to the enterprises in which the equity is held, in other words, they do not administer or manage other units.

This class excludes:
- activities of shareholding companies, not owning controlling levels of equity, see 64.32
- dealing in financial markets on own account, see 64.99
- activities of asset management on a fee or contract basis, see 66.30
- provision of managerial services (e.g. strategic planning, decision-making and administrative services of a head office), see 70.10
- active management of companies and enterprises, strategic planning and decision-making of the company, see 70.10
This class includes the activities of financing conduits, in other words, units created by a financial or non-financial group to raise or borrow funds (often on the open market) and to remit those funds to their parent or another entity within the group.
This class also includes:
- activities of captive financial institutions involved in intragroup lending
- brass plate companies engaged in raising funds and remitting those funds to their parent, i.e. units that are owned (directly or indirectly) by a non-resident unit, of which a large part of the balance sheet consists of claims and liabilities towards non-resident units, and that have few or no employees and little or no physical presence in the jurisdiction of incorporation
This class excludes:
- management services of public funds and public debt, see 84.11
This class includes the activities of financing conduits, in other words, units created by a financial or non-financial group to raise or borrow funds (often on the open market) and to remit those funds to their parent or another entity within the group.
This class also includes:
- activities of captive financial institutions involved in intragroup lending
- brass plate companies engaged in raising funds and remitting those funds to their parent, i.e. units that are owned (directly or indirectly) by a non-resident unit, of which a large part of the balance sheet consists of claims and liabilities towards non-resident units, and that have few or no employees and little or no physical presence in the jurisdiction of incorporation
This class excludes:
- management services of public funds and public debt, see 84.11
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