Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0
49.4 | Гpyзoвыe пepeвoзkи aвtoмoбильным tpaнcпoptoм и ycлyги пo вывoзy otxoдoв
Предприятия |
Предприятия |
This group includes all land-based freight transport activities other than rail transport.
This group includes all land-based freight transport activities other than rail transport.
Предприятия |
Предприятия |
This group includes activities supporting the transport of passengers or freight, including the operation of transport facilities and parts of the transport infrastructure and activities related to handling freight before, after or between transport segments.
This group excludes: - intermediation service activities for freight transport, see 52.31 - intermediation service activities for passenger transport, see 52.32 |
This group includes activities supporting the transport of passengers or freight, including the operation of transport facilities and parts of the transport infrastructure and activities related to handling freight before, after or between transport segments.
This group excludes: - intermediation service activities for freight transport, see 52.31 - intermediation service activities for passenger transport, see 52.32 |