Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

43 | Cпeциaлизиpoвaнныe ctpoиteльныe paбotы

This division includes general construction for civil engineering objects. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of prefabricated objects on site and also those of a temporary nature.

Included is the construction of heavy constructions (for example, motorways, roads, power plants, bridges, tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects, irrigation systems, sewerage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, outdoor sports facilities). This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the work and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out.
This division includes general construction for civil engineering objects. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of prefabricated objects on site and also those of a temporary nature.

Included is the construction of heavy constructions (for example, motorways, roads, power plants, bridges, tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects, irrigation systems, sewerage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, outdoor sports facilities). This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the work and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out.
This division includes specialised activities (special trades) in the construction of buildings and civil engineering objects or preparation of same. These activities are usually specialised in one aspect common to different structures, requiring specialised skills or equipment. Specialised construction works are generally performed by subcontractors on behalf of a contractor whose activities fall under divisions 41 or 42. Repair is usually performed without subcontracting.

Included is the installation of all types of utilities that make the construction function as such. These activities are usually performed at the site of the construction, although parts of the job may be carried out off site.

This division includes electrical, plumbing and other offshore construction installation on floating platforms.

The rental of equipment with an operator is classified under the associated construction activity.
This division also includes:
- specialised construction activities carried out as repair and maintenance
- completion or finishing of buildings and other constructions
This division includes specialised activities (special trades) in the construction of buildings and civil engineering objects or preparation of same. These activities are usually specialised in one aspect common to different structures, requiring specialised skills or equipment. Specialised construction works are generally performed by subcontractors on behalf of a contractor whose activities fall under divisions 41 or 42. Repair is usually performed without subcontracting.

Included is the installation of all types of utilities that make the construction function as such. These activities are usually performed at the site of the construction, although parts of the job may be carried out off site.

This division includes electrical, plumbing and other offshore construction installation on floating platforms.

The rental of equipment with an operator is classified under the associated construction activity.
This division also includes:
- specialised construction activities carried out as repair and maintenance
- completion or finishing of buildings and other constructions
This division includes the provision of a number of general support services, for example:
- the provision of a combination of support services within clients facilities
- the interior and exterior cleaning of buildings of all types
- cleaning of industrial machinery, cleaning of trains, buses, planes, etc.
- cleaning of the inside of road and sea tankers
- disinfecting and exterminating activities for buildings, ships, trains, etc.
- bottle cleaning
- street sweeping
- snow and ice removal
- provision of landscape care and maintenance services
This division includes the provision of a number of general support services, for example:
- the provision of a combination of support services within clients facilities
- the interior and exterior cleaning of buildings of all types
- cleaning of industrial machinery, cleaning of trains, buses, planes, etc.
- cleaning of the inside of road and sea tankers
- disinfecting and exterminating activities for buildings, ships, trains, etc.
- bottle cleaning
- street sweeping
- snow and ice removal
- provision of landscape care and maintenance services
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