Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0
28.9 | Пpoизвoдctвo пpoчиx видoв texниkи cпeциaльнoгo нaзнaчeния
Предприятия |
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This group includes the manufacture of special-purpose machinery, in other words, machinery for exclusive use in a NACE industry or a small cluster of NACE industries.
While most of this special-purpose machinery is used in other manufacturing processes (for example, food manufacturing or textile manufacturing), this group also includes the manufacture of machinery specific for other non-manufacturing industries (for example, aircraft launching gear or amusement park equipment). |
This group includes the manufacture of special-purpose machinery, in other words, machinery for exclusive use in a NACE industry or a small cluster of NACE industries.
While most of this special-purpose machinery is used in other manufacturing processes (for example, food manufacturing or textile manufacturing), this group also includes the manufacture of machinery specific for other non-manufacturing industries (for example, aircraft launching gear or amusement park equipment). |