The displayed version is valid until 31.12.2024
List of companies for which information on the registered NACES code is available in the Lursoft IT database. The list shows the NACE data registered for the company in the current year.
List of Latvian companies. 06 | Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
1 - 2 of 2 record(-s)
No. | Registration number | Company name | Follow | Additional data |
1 | 40001015183 | Jaunlūči, Bauskas rajona Iecavas novada Iecavas pagasta Beikmaņa zemnieku saimniecībaAddress: Ropažu nov., Stopiņu pag., Dreiliņi, Noliktavu iela 7 | ||
2 | 40203570435 | ĶEKAVA BIOENERGY, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildībuAddress: Ķekavas nov., Ķekava, Ziemeļu iela 55 |