Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

93 | Дeяteльнoctь в oблactи cпopta, opгaнизaции otдыxa и paзвлeчeний

This division includes sports activities in any form of physical activity undertaken, either occasionally or in an organised participatory manner, with the aim of expressing and improving physical fitness and mental well-being, and of establishing social links or achieving results in competitions at all levels.

This division includes the provision of amusement and recreation activities (except activities of museums, the preservation of historical sites, botanical and zoological gardens, activities of nature reserves, gambling and betting activities).
This division also includes:
- organisation of sporting events
This division excludes:
- dramatic arts, music, other arts and entertainment (e.g. the production of live theatrical presentations, concerts, opera or dance productions, other stage productions), see division 90.
This division includes sports activities in any form of physical activity undertaken, either occasionally or in an organised participatory manner, with the aim of expressing and improving physical fitness and mental well-being, and of establishing social links or achieving results in competitions at all levels.

This division includes the provision of amusement and recreation activities (except activities of museums, the preservation of historical sites, botanical and zoological gardens, activities of nature reserves, gambling and betting activities).
This division also includes:
- organisation of sporting events
This division excludes:
- dramatic arts, music, other arts and entertainment (e.g. the production of live theatrical presentations, concerts, opera or dance productions, other stage productions), see division 90.
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