Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

46.38 | Oпtoвaя topгoвля пpoчими пpoдyktaми пиtaния, вkлючaя pыбy, pakooбpaзныx и мoллюckoв

This class includes other specialised wholesale activities not already classified in the previous classes 46.31 to 46.37 (for example, wholesale of salt, vinegar, flour, yeast, honey).
This class also includes:
- wholesale of ready-made meals
- wholesale of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food
- wholesale of food for pets
- wholesale of food supplements for human consumption
- wholesale of insects (e.g. crickets) which are processed and ready-to-eat
This class excludes:
- wholesale of livestock feed, see 46.21
This class includes other specialised wholesale activities not already classified in the previous classes 46.31 to 46.37 (for example, wholesale of salt, vinegar, flour, yeast, honey).
This class also includes:
- wholesale of ready-made meals
- wholesale of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food
- wholesale of food for pets
- wholesale of food supplements for human consumption
- wholesale of insects (e.g. crickets) which are processed and ready-to-eat
This class excludes:
- wholesale of livestock feed, see 46.21
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