Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0
46.38 | Oпtoвaя topгoвля пpoчими пpoдyktaми пиtaния, вkлючaя pыбy, pakooбpaзныx и мoллюckoв
Предприятия |
Предприятия |
Wholesale of other food
Предприятия |
Предприятия |
This class includes other specialised wholesale activities not already classified in the previous classes 46.31 to 46.37 (for example, wholesale of salt, vinegar, flour, yeast, honey).
This class also includes: - wholesale of ready-made meals - wholesale of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food - wholesale of food for pets - wholesale of food supplements for human consumption - wholesale of insects (e.g. crickets) which are processed and ready-to-eat This class excludes: - wholesale of livestock feed, see 46.21 |
This class includes other specialised wholesale activities not already classified in the previous classes 46.31 to 46.37 (for example, wholesale of salt, vinegar, flour, yeast, honey).
This class also includes: - wholesale of ready-made meals - wholesale of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food - wholesale of food for pets - wholesale of food supplements for human consumption - wholesale of insects (e.g. crickets) which are processed and ready-to-eat This class excludes: - wholesale of livestock feed, see 46.21 |