Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0
38.21 | Oбpaбotka и yдaлeниe нeoпacныx otxoдoв
Other waste recovery
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This class includes:
- preparation of sewage sludge for land treatment resulting in benefits to agriculture or ecological improvement - preparation of non-hazardous waste for reclamation in excavated areas or for engineering purposes in landscaping This class excludes: - production of biogas from sewage sludge, see 35.21 - back-filling without related preparation activities (e.g. preparation of non-hazardous waste for engineering purposes in landscaping), see division 42 |
This class includes:
- preparation of sewage sludge for land treatment resulting in benefits to agriculture or ecological improvement - preparation of non-hazardous waste for reclamation in excavated areas or for engineering purposes in landscaping This class excludes: - production of biogas from sewage sludge, see 35.21 - back-filling without related preparation activities (e.g. preparation of non-hazardous waste for engineering purposes in landscaping), see division 42 |
Other waste disposal
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This class includes:
- release of liquid waste to seas/oceans or other water bodies, including seabed insertion - injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories This class excludes: - operation of facilities where recoverable materials are sorted, see 38.21 - energy recovery by thermal treatment of waste, see 38.22 - decontamination, cleaning up land, water and toxic material abatement, see 39.00 |
This class includes:
- release of liquid waste to seas/oceans or other water bodies, including seabed insertion - injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories This class excludes: - operation of facilities where recoverable materials are sorted, see 38.21 - energy recovery by thermal treatment of waste, see 38.22 - decontamination, cleaning up land, water and toxic material abatement, see 39.00 |
Materials recovery
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This class includes the processing of metal and non-metal waste, including scrap and other articles into secondary raw materials.
Also included is the recovery of materials from waste streams in the form of: (1) separating and sorting recoverable materials from non-hazardous waste streams; or (2) separating and sorting of commingled recoverable materials (for example, paper, plastics, used beverage cans and metals) into distinct categories. Examples of the mechanical or chemical transformation processes that are undertaken include: - mechanical crushing and shredding of metal waste (e.g. from used cars, washing machines or motorcycles) - mechanical reduction of large iron pieces (e.g. railway wagons) - recovery of iron from clinker - reclaiming metals out of photographic waste (e.g. fixer solution or photographic films and paper) - dismantling of wrecks of any type (automobiles, ships, computers, televisions and other equipment) for materials recovery - producing of rubber powder from rubber waste and scrap, including decontamination, division (elimination) of fractions and devulcanising - sorting and mechanical processing (e.g. cleaning, grinding) of plastics to produce secondary raw materials - processing (ageing, cleaning, sorting) of incineration bottom ash into secondary raw materials (metals, aggregates) - crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass - crushing, cleaning and sorting of other waste (e.g. demolition waste to obtain secondary raw materials) - processing of food, beverage and tobacco waste and residual substances into secondary raw materials - recovery of waste oil, processing of used cooking oils and fats into secondary raw materials - extraction of silver from waste chemicals, other than by electrolytic refining - recovery of phosphorus from the incineration of sewage sludge - recovery of textile and clothing products by mechanical, thermal or chemical processes - production of waste compost - production of biogas from waste, not for the purpose of gas or energy supply This class excludes: - manufacture of new final products from secondary raw materials, whether or not self-manufactured (e.g. spinning yarn from garnetted stock, making pulp from paper waste, retreading tyres or the production of metal from metal scrap), see corresponding classes in section C - reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 20.13 - remelting of plastics to produce granulates or compounds, see 20.16 - remelting ferrous waste and scrap, see 24.10 - production of biogas from waste for gas supply, see 35.21 - energy recovery during waste thermal treatment, see 38.22 - disposal of waste without recovery and treatment prior to disposal, see 38.3 - wholesale of recoverable materials, see 46.87 |
This class includes the processing of metal and non-metal waste, including scrap and other articles into secondary raw materials.
Also included is the recovery of materials from waste streams in the form of: (1) separating and sorting recoverable materials from non-hazardous waste streams; or (2) separating and sorting of commingled recoverable materials (for example, paper, plastics, used beverage cans and metals) into distinct categories. Examples of the mechanical or chemical transformation processes that are undertaken include: - mechanical crushing and shredding of metal waste (e.g. from used cars, washing machines or motorcycles) - mechanical reduction of large iron pieces (e.g. railway wagons) - recovery of iron from clinker - reclaiming metals out of photographic waste (e.g. fixer solution or photographic films and paper) - dismantling of wrecks of any type (automobiles, ships, computers, televisions and other equipment) for materials recovery - producing of rubber powder from rubber waste and scrap, including decontamination, division (elimination) of fractions and devulcanising - sorting and mechanical processing (e.g. cleaning, grinding) of plastics to produce secondary raw materials - processing (ageing, cleaning, sorting) of incineration bottom ash into secondary raw materials (metals, aggregates) - crushing, cleaning and sorting of glass - crushing, cleaning and sorting of other waste (e.g. demolition waste to obtain secondary raw materials) - processing of food, beverage and tobacco waste and residual substances into secondary raw materials - recovery of waste oil, processing of used cooking oils and fats into secondary raw materials - extraction of silver from waste chemicals, other than by electrolytic refining - recovery of phosphorus from the incineration of sewage sludge - recovery of textile and clothing products by mechanical, thermal or chemical processes - production of waste compost - production of biogas from waste, not for the purpose of gas or energy supply This class excludes: - manufacture of new final products from secondary raw materials, whether or not self-manufactured (e.g. spinning yarn from garnetted stock, making pulp from paper waste, retreading tyres or the production of metal from metal scrap), see corresponding classes in section C - reprocessing of nuclear fuels, see 20.13 - remelting of plastics to produce granulates or compounds, see 20.16 - remelting ferrous waste and scrap, see 24.10 - production of biogas from waste for gas supply, see 35.21 - energy recovery during waste thermal treatment, see 38.22 - disposal of waste without recovery and treatment prior to disposal, see 38.3 - wholesale of recoverable materials, see 46.87 |
Energy recovery
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This class includes pretreatment of waste for energy recovery, conversion of waste materials (for example, into usable heat or electricity), through a variety of processes, which include thermal treatment.
This class also includes the activities of waste-to-energy plants. This class excludes: - landfill gas recovery for gas supply, see 35.21 |
This class includes pretreatment of waste for energy recovery, conversion of waste materials (for example, into usable heat or electricity), through a variety of processes, which include thermal treatment.
This class also includes the activities of waste-to-energy plants. This class excludes: - landfill gas recovery for gas supply, see 35.21 |
Лиkвидaция oблoмkoв
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Эtot kлacc вkлючaet дeмoнtaж пocлe любыx tипoв aвapий (aвtoмoбили, kopaбли, koмпьюtepы, teлeвизopы и пpoчee oбopyдoвaниe) для ytилизaции otxoдoв пpoизвoдctвa.
Эtot kлacc иckлючaet: - извлeчeниe вpeдныx otxoдoв из otpaбotaннoй texниkи, takoй kak xoлoдильниkи, cм. 38.22 - дeмoнtaж aвtoмoбилeй, kopaблeй, koмпьюtepoв, teлeвизopoв и пpoчeгo oбopyдoвaния для извлeчeния гoдныx k пoвtopнoмy yпotpeблeнию чacteй, cм. cekцию G |
Эtot kлacc вkлючaet дeмoнtaж пocлe любыx tипoв aвapий (aвtoмoбили, kopaбли, koмпьюtepы, teлeвизopы и пpoчee oбopyдoвaниe) для ytилизaции otxoдoв пpoизвoдctвa.
Эtot kлacc иckлючaet: - извлeчeниe вpeдныx otxoдoв из otpaбotaннoй texниkи, takoй kak xoлoдильниkи, cм. 38.22 - дeмoнtaж aвtoмoбилeй, kopaблeй, koмпьюtepoв, teлeвизopoв и пpoчeгo oбopyдoвaния для извлeчeния гoдныx k пoвtopнoмy yпotpeблeнию чacteй, cм. cekцию G |
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This class includes the disposal and treatment prior to disposal of non-hazardous or hazardous waste, whether the waste is solid or not, onto or into land (i.e. underground), or in permanent waste storage facilities or sites.
This class includes: - operation of landfills for the disposal of waste - treatment of organic waste for landfilling or permanent storage - disposal of by-products of animal origin in landfills This class also includes: - permanent underground storage of waste in a deep geological cavity (e.g. in salt or potassium mines) - storage of captured carbon dioxide This class excludes: - operation of facilities where waste is unloaded for further transport, see 38.1 - operation of facilities where recoverable materials are sorted, see 38.21 - decontamination, cleaning up land, water and toxic material abatement, see 39.00 |
This class includes the disposal and treatment prior to disposal of non-hazardous or hazardous waste, whether the waste is solid or not, onto or into land (i.e. underground), or in permanent waste storage facilities or sites.
This class includes: - operation of landfills for the disposal of waste - treatment of organic waste for landfilling or permanent storage - disposal of by-products of animal origin in landfills This class also includes: - permanent underground storage of waste in a deep geological cavity (e.g. in salt or potassium mines) - storage of captured carbon dioxide This class excludes: - operation of facilities where waste is unloaded for further transport, see 38.1 - operation of facilities where recoverable materials are sorted, see 38.21 - decontamination, cleaning up land, water and toxic material abatement, see 39.00 |