Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

23 | Пpoизвoдctвo пpoчeй нeмetaлличeckoй минepaльнoй пpoдykции

This division includes manufacturing activities related to a single substance of mineral origin. This division includes the manufacture of glass and glass products (for example, flat glass, hollow glass, fibres, technical glassware), ceramic products, tiles and baked clay products, cement, concrete and plaster, from raw materials to finished articles.
The manufacture of shaped and finished stone and other mineral products is also included in this division.

This division also includes the manufacture of products of composite materials in which glass and non-metallic minerals (for example, sand, gravel, stone or clay) are the predominant material.
This division includes manufacturing activities related to a single substance of mineral origin. This division includes the manufacture of glass and glass products (for example, flat glass, hollow glass, fibres, technical glassware), ceramic products, tiles and baked clay products, cement, concrete and plaster, from raw materials to finished articles.
The manufacture of shaped and finished stone and other mineral products is also included in this division.

This division also includes the manufacture of products of composite materials in which glass and non-metallic minerals (for example, sand, gravel, stone or clay) are the predominant material.
This division includes the manufacture of motor vehicles for transporting passengers or freight. The manufacture of various parts and accessories, as well as the manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers, is included here.

The repair and maintenance of motor vehicles produced in this division are classified in 95.31.
This division includes the manufacture of motor vehicles for transporting passengers or freight. The manufacture of various parts and accessories, as well as the manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers, is included here.

The repair and maintenance of motor vehicles produced in this division are classified in 95.31.
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