Изображенная редакция вступает в силу с 01.01.2025
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Список Эстонскиx компаний. 03.2 | Aquaculture
Culturing/farming refers to the rearing up to their juvenile and/or adult phase under captive conditions of the above organisms.
This group also includes:
- breeding/farming of fry and adults under artificial conditions
This group excludes:
- production of bird skins from ranching operations or skins from farming reptiles (e.g. snakes and turtles), see 01.48
- breeding and raising of reptiles, see 01.48
Marine aquaculture
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This class includes:
- fish farming in sea water, including farming of marine ornamental fish - production of bivalve spat (e.g. oyster mussel, etc.), lobsterlings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry and fingerlings - growing of seaweed and algae - culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals in sea water This class also includes: - aquaculture activities in brackish waters - land-based aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs - operation of marine fish hatcheries and marine worm farms - marine microalgae cultivation This class excludes: - frog farming, see 03.22 - operation of sport fishing preserves, see 93.19 |
This class includes:
- fish farming in sea water, including farming of marine ornamental fish - production of bivalve spat (e.g. oyster mussel, etc.), lobsterlings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry and fingerlings - growing of seaweed and algae - culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals in sea water This class also includes: - aquaculture activities in brackish waters - land-based aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs - operation of marine fish hatcheries and marine worm farms - marine microalgae cultivation This class excludes: - frog farming, see 03.22 - operation of sport fishing preserves, see 93.19 |
Freshwater aquaculture
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This class includes:
- fish farming in freshwater, including farming of freshwater ornamental fish - culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals - operation of fish hatcheries (freshwater) - farming of frogs - growing of seaweed and algae (edible or not) This class also includes: - freshwater microalgae cultivation This class excludes: - aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs, see 03.21 - operation of sport fishing preserves, see 93.19 |
This class includes:
- fish farming in freshwater, including farming of freshwater ornamental fish - culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals - operation of fish hatcheries (freshwater) - farming of frogs - growing of seaweed and algae (edible or not) This class also includes: - freshwater microalgae cultivation This class excludes: - aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs, see 03.21 - operation of sport fishing preserves, see 93.19 |