Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

18.1 | Издateльckoe дeлo и ycлyги, cвязaнныe c издateльckим дeлoм

This group includes the printing of products (for example, newspapers, books, periodicals, business forms and greeting cards), printing on T-shirts and other types of material, and associated support activities (for example, bookbinding, plate-making services, data imaging). Printing can be done using various techniques and on different materials.
This group includes the printing of products (for example, newspapers, books, periodicals, business forms and greeting cards), printing on T-shirts and other types of material, and associated support activities (for example, bookbinding, plate-making services, data imaging). Printing can be done using various techniques and on different materials.
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