Статистическая классификация экономической деятельности NACE Rev. 2.0

01.6 | Bcпoмoгateльныe виды дeяteльнoctи в oблactи выpaщивaния ceльckoxoзяйctвeнныx kyльtyp

This group includes:
- farming (husbandry, raising) and breeding of all animals, except aquatic animals

This group excludes:
- farm animal boarding and care, see 01.62
- production of hides and skins from slaughterhouses, see 10.11
This group includes:
- farming (husbandry, raising) and breeding of all animals, except aquatic animals

This group excludes:
- farm animal boarding and care, see 01.62
- production of hides and skins from slaughterhouses, see 10.11
This group includes activities incidental to agricultural production and activities similar to agriculture not undertaken for production purposes (in the sense of harvesting agricultural products), usually done on a fee or contract basis.
Also included are post-harvest crop activities, aimed at preparing agricultural products for the primary market.
This group includes activities incidental to agricultural production and activities similar to agriculture not undertaken for production purposes (in the sense of harvesting agricultural products), usually done on a fee or contract basis.
Also included are post-harvest crop activities, aimed at preparing agricultural products for the primary market.
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