The displayed version is valid until 31.12.2024
The service provides the classification of economic activities / industries in the NACE 2.1 revision, allowing users to conveniently browse and search for business activity types according to the latest version. Additionally, there is an option to switch to the previous NACE 2.0 revision, ensuring an easy transition between the two versions. In the data search tool, users can search for an industry by the NACE code or a fragment of the code description in the respective revision (NACE 2.1 or NACE 2.0). By selecting the appropriate NACE code, a list of companies registered in the Lursoft IT database with that NACE code is available via the "Companies" link. By clicking the "SIC" button, users can view the UK's industry classification and browse companies from the UK, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia that match the selected industry.
List of Estonian companies. 01.49 | Raising of other animals
- raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals:
ostriches and emus
other birds (except poultry)
rabbits and other fur animals
- production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operation
- operation of worm farms, land mollusc farms, snail farms etc.
- raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons
- bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
- raising and breeding of pet animals (except fish):
cats and dogs
birds, such as parakeets etc.
hamsters etc.
- raising of diverse animals
This class excludes:
- production of hides and skins originating from hunting and trapping, see 01.70
- operation of frog farms, crocodile farms, marine worm farms, see 03.21, 03.22
- operation of fish farms, see 03.21, 03.22
- boarding and training of pet animals, see 96.09
- raising and breeding of poultry, see 01.47
No. | Registration number | Company name | Follow | Additional data |
151 |
Comeswood OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Viimsi vald, Lubja küla, Anijärve tee 11
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152 |
Address: Pärnu maakond, Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Kuninga tn 34
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153 |
Tull Honey Company OÜ
Address: Tartu maakond, Kambja vald, Laane küla, Lennu tn 66
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154 |
Silk Connect OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kristiine linnaosa, Kotkapoja tn 2-38
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155 |
Margit Deket
Address: Lääne-Viru maakond, Tapa vald, Saksi küla, Vahtra
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156 |
Darkdesire OÜ
Address: Tartu maakond, Tartu vald, Lilu küla, Reinvaldi
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157 |
Doggy Joy OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Pirita linnaosa, Lodumetsa tee 10
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158 |
Disainerid OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Valukoja tn 8/1
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159 |
Dilina Royal OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Saku vald, Männiku küla, Tiiru tee 6
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160 |
Victor Dulin
Address: Lääne maakond, Haapsalu linn, Haapsalu linn, Tamme tn 19-85
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161 |
Honey Energy OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Lääne-Harju vald, Pae küla, Kopli
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162 |
Jüri Ellram Koolme talu
Address: Jõgeva maakond, Põltsamaa vald, Tammiku küla, Koolme
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163 |
Address: Harju maakond, Kose vald, Kose alevik, Alu tn 17
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164 |
Jaak Volmeri Ettevõtmised
Address: Tartu maakond, Elva vald, Palupõhja küla, Mõtuse
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165 |
Hando Niinepi Edimsaare talu
Address: Järva maakond, Paide linn, Tarbja küla, Jõeveere
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166 |
Eha Metsallik
Address: Järva maakond, Türi vald, Kädva küla, Tuule
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167 |
Einar Kahar
Address: Võru maakond, Rõuge vald, Pupli küla, Pupli
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168 |
Eesti Spanjelite Tõuühing
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, K. Türnpu tn 7
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169 |
Eesti West Highland White terjerite tõuühing
Address: Harju maakond, Saue vald, Saue linn, Kadakamarja tn 19/3-18
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170 |
EE Viktor Jaave
Address: Harju maakond, Rae vald, Jüri alevik, Aruküla tee 26
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171 |
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Villardi tn 23-18
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172 |
Elmar Niileri Mesindustalu
Address: Lääne maakond, Lääne-Nigula vald, Taebla alevik, Tallinna mnt 3
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173 |
Endel Leius
Address: Võru maakond, Võru vald, Osula küla, Palvemaja
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174 |
Enn Sildoja
Address: Lääne-Viru maakond, Tapa vald, Järvajõe küla, Mesilinnu
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175 |
Enno Pildre
Address: Saare maakond, Saaremaa vald, Mätasselja küla, Kasesalu
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176 |
Enno Prei
Address: Saare maakond, Saaremaa vald, Parasmetsa küla, Välja
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177 |
Eesti Kiharakarvaliste Retriiverite Tõuühing
Address: Tartu maakond, Elva vald, Tännassilma küla, Tatriku
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178 |
Eesti Kutseliste Mesinike Ühing
Address: Tartu maakond, Kambja vald, Laane küla, Lennu tn 66
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179 |
Eesti Loomade Klubi IKU OÜ
Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Haabersti linnaosa, Ehitajate tee 114a
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180 |
Eesti Liivahiirte Selts
Address: Harju maakond, Saue vald, Vanamõisa küla, Rõika tn 1