The statistical classification of economic activities NACE Rev. 2 (NACE) is available in the service. The data finder shall have the possibility of searching for records according to an excerpt of the NACE code, SIC code or code description. In the response data, according to the selected NACES code, a list of companies available in the Lursoft IT database for which information on the registered NACES code is selected. The list shows the NACE data recorded for the current year for the company.

02 | Forestry and logging

This division includes the production of roundwood as well as the extraction and gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products. Besides the production of timber, forestry activities result in products that undergo little processing, such as firewood, charcoal and roundwood used in an unprocessed form (e.g. pit-props, pulpwood etc.). These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.

Excluded is further processing of wood beginning with sawmilling and planning of wood, see division 16.