Изображенная редакция вступает в силу с 01.01.2025

В сервисе доступна классификация видов экономической деятельности / отраслей в редакции NACE 2.1, что позволяет удобно просматривать и искать типы деятельности предприятий в соответствии с последней версией. Кроме того, предоставляется возможность переключаться на предыдущую редакцию NACE 2.0, что обеспечивает легкий переход между двумя версиями. В поисковой системе данных можно искать отрасль по коду NACE или фрагменту описания кода в соответствующей редакции (NACE 2.1 или NACE 2.0). Выбрав соответствующий код NACE, по ссылке "Предприятия" доступен список предприятий, зарегистрированных в базе данных Lursoft IT с этим кодом NACE. Нажав на кнопку "SIC", можно ознакомиться с классификацией отраслей Великобритании, а также просмотреть предприятия из Великобритании, Латвии, Литвы и Эстонии, соответствующие выбранной отрасли.

Список Эстонскиx компаний. 32.9 | Manufacturing n.e.c.

Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- пpoизвoдctвo мeteл, kиcteй и щetok, вkлючaя щetkи, являющиecя coctaвными чactями мaшин, pyчныx мexaничeckиx щetok для пoлa, швaбp, мeteлok из пepьeв, мaляpныx kиcteй, мaляpныx вaлиkoв, peзинoвыx ckpeбkoв, пpoчиx мeteл, щetok и t.п.
- пpoизвoдctвo щetok для oдeжды и oбyви
Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- пpoизвoдctвo мeteл, kиcteй и щetok, вkлючaя щetkи, являющиecя coctaвными чactями мaшин, pyчныx мexaничeckиx щetok для пoлa, швaбp, мeteлok из пepьeв, мaляpныx kиcteй, мaляpныx вaлиkoв, peзинoвыx ckpeбkoв, пpoчиx мeteл, щetok и t.п.
- пpoизвoдctвo щetok для oдeжды и oбyви
This class includes:
- manufacture of protective safety equipment, e.g.:
linemens safety belts and other belts for occupational use
cork life preservers
safety headgear and other personal safety equipment (e.g. protective face shields/visors, of plastics, such as athletic helmets)
fire-protective clothing
metal safety headgear and other metal personal safety devices
earplugs and noise plugs (e.g. for swimming and noise protection)
gas masks
biohazard protective clothing and accessories
bulletproof vests
clean room suits and accessories
- manufacture of pens and pencils of all kinds, whether or not mechanical
- manufacture of pencil leads
- manufacture of date, sealing or numbering stamps, hand-operated devices for printing, or embossing labels, hand-printing sets, prepared typewriter ribbons and inked pads
- manufacture of globes
- manufacture of umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks
- manufacture of buttons, press fasteners, snap-fasteners, press studs, slide fasteners
- manufacture of electronic cigarettes (vapes)
- manufacture of cigarette lighters and other lighters
- manufacture of articles of personal use (e.g. smoking pipes, scent sprays, vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels for personal or household use, wigs, false beards, eyebrows)
- manufacture of miscellaneous articles (e.g. candles, tapers, etc.; artificial flowers, fruits and foliage; jokes and novelties; hand sieves and hand riddles; tailors dummies; burial coffins)
- manufacture of floral baskets, bouquets, wreaths and similar articles
- taxidermy activities
- manufacture of scale models designed for demonstrational purposes

This class excludes:
- manufacture of lighter wicks, see 13.96
- manufacture of workwear, see 14.23
- manufacture of paper novelties, see 17.25
- manufacture of plastic headgear, see 22.26
- manufacture of individual protective masks (e.g. FFP2, FFP3, surgical masks), see 32.50
This class includes:
- manufacture of protective safety equipment, e.g.:
linemens safety belts and other belts for occupational use
cork life preservers
safety headgear and other personal safety equipment (e.g. protective face shields/visors, of plastics, such as athletic helmets)
fire-protective clothing
metal safety headgear and other metal personal safety devices
earplugs and noise plugs (e.g. for swimming and noise protection)
gas masks
biohazard protective clothing and accessories
bulletproof vests
clean room suits and accessories
- manufacture of pens and pencils of all kinds, whether or not mechanical
- manufacture of pencil leads
- manufacture of date, sealing or numbering stamps, hand-operated devices for printing, or embossing labels, hand-printing sets, prepared typewriter ribbons and inked pads
- manufacture of globes
- manufacture of umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks
- manufacture of buttons, press fasteners, snap-fasteners, press studs, slide fasteners
- manufacture of electronic cigarettes (vapes)
- manufacture of cigarette lighters and other lighters
- manufacture of articles of personal use (e.g. smoking pipes, scent sprays, vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels for personal or household use, wigs, false beards, eyebrows)
- manufacture of miscellaneous articles (e.g. candles, tapers, etc.; artificial flowers, fruits and foliage; jokes and novelties; hand sieves and hand riddles; tailors dummies; burial coffins)
- manufacture of floral baskets, bouquets, wreaths and similar articles
- taxidermy activities
- manufacture of scale models designed for demonstrational purposes

This class excludes:
- manufacture of lighter wicks, see 13.96
- manufacture of workwear, see 14.23
- manufacture of paper novelties, see 17.25
- manufacture of plastic headgear, see 22.26
- manufacture of individual protective masks (e.g. FFP2, FFP3, surgical masks), see 32.50
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