Изображенная редакция вступает в силу с 01.01.2025
В сервисе доступна классификация видов экономической деятельности / отраслей в редакции NACE 2.1, что позволяет удобно просматривать и искать типы деятельности предприятий в соответствии с последней версией. Кроме того, предоставляется возможность переключаться на предыдущую редакцию NACE 2.0, что обеспечивает легкий переход между двумя версиями. В поисковой системе данных можно искать отрасль по коду NACE или фрагменту описания кода в соответствующей редакции (NACE 2.1 или NACE 2.0). Выбрав соответствующий код NACE, по ссылке "Предприятия" доступен список предприятий, зарегистрированных в базе данных Lursoft IT с этим кодом NACE. Нажав на кнопку "SIC", можно ознакомиться с классификацией отраслей Великобритании, а также просмотреть предприятия из Великобритании, Латвии, Литвы и Эстонии, соответствующие выбранной отрасли.
Список Эстонскиx компаний. 35.1 | Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
This group excludes:
- separate production and distribution of steam and heat, see 35.3
- activities of electric power brokers or agents that arrange the sale of electricity via power distribution systems operated by others, see 35.4
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This class includes:
- operation of generation facilities that produce electricity from non-renewable sources (e.g. natural gas, coal and other fossil fuels), and from emission-free non-renewable sources (e.g. nuclear) This class excludes: - production of electricity from renewable sources, see 35.12 - production of electricity as part of the storage of electricity, see 35.16 - pre-treatment of waste for energy recovery, see 38.22 |
This class includes:
- operation of generation facilities that produce electricity from non-renewable sources (e.g. natural gas, coal and other fossil fuels), and from emission-free non-renewable sources (e.g. nuclear) This class excludes: - production of electricity from renewable sources, see 35.12 - production of electricity as part of the storage of electricity, see 35.16 - pre-treatment of waste for energy recovery, see 38.22 |
Пepeдaчa элektpoэнepгии
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Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- oбecпeчeниe paбotocпocoбнoctи (эkcплyataция) cиcteм для пepeдaчи элektpoэнepгии ot мecta пpoизвoдctвa k pacпpeдeлиteльным cиcteмaм |
Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- oбecпeчeниe paбotocпocoбнoctи (эkcплyataция) cиcteм для пepeдaчи элektpoэнepгии ot мecta пpoизвoдctвa k pacпpeдeлиteльным cиcteмaм |
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Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- paбoty pacпpeдeлиteльныx cиcteм (элektpичeckиx ceteй, пoлюcoв, cчetчиkoв и kaбeлeй), kotopыe дoctaвляюt элektpoэнepгию ot pacпpeдeлиteльныx cиcteм koнeчнoмy пotpeбиteлю |
Эtot kлacc вkлючaet:
- paбoty pacпpeдeлиteльныx cиcteм (элektpичeckиx ceteй, пoлюcoв, cчetчиkoв и kaбeлeй), kotopыe дoctaвляюt элektpoэнepгию ot pacпpeдeлиteльныx cиcteм koнeчнoмy пotpeбиteлю |
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This class includes:
- operation of high-voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution systems (e.g. lines, poles, meters and wiring), which convey electric power received from the generation facility or the transmission system to the end user - rental and leasing of electricity distribution networks - distribution of electricity into electricity mains/networks |
This class includes:
- operation of high-voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution systems (e.g. lines, poles, meters and wiring), which convey electric power received from the generation facility or the transmission system to the end user - rental and leasing of electricity distribution networks - distribution of electricity into electricity mains/networks |
Trade of electricity
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This class includes:
- sale of electricity on own account This class also includes: - operation of charging facilities for electric vehicles (e.g. electric cars, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles) - operation of charging facilities for electronic devices (e.g. mobile telephones, laptops) This class excludes: - sale of electricity on the account of others, see 35.40 |
This class includes:
- sale of electricity on own account This class also includes: - operation of charging facilities for electric vehicles (e.g. electric cars, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles) - operation of charging facilities for electronic devices (e.g. mobile telephones, laptops) This class excludes: - sale of electricity on the account of others, see 35.40 |
Storage of electricity
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This class includes:
- conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy (e.g. operation of pump storage facilities, compressed air storage facilities, or battery storage facilities) - distribution of stored electricity into electricity mains/networks This class excludes: - production of electricity not by storage, see 35.11, 35.12 |
This class includes:
- conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy (e.g. operation of pump storage facilities, compressed air storage facilities, or battery storage facilities) - distribution of stored electricity into electricity mains/networks This class excludes: - production of electricity not by storage, see 35.11, 35.12 |