Изображенная редакция вступает в силу с 01.01.2025
В сервисе доступна классификация видов экономической деятельности / отраслей в редакции NACE 2.1, что позволяет удобно просматривать и искать типы деятельности предприятий в соответствии с последней версией. Кроме того, предоставляется возможность переключаться на предыдущую редакцию NACE 2.0, что обеспечивает легкий переход между двумя версиями. В поисковой системе данных можно искать отрасль по коду NACE или фрагменту описания кода в соответствующей редакции (NACE 2.1 или NACE 2.0). Выбрав соответствующий код NACE, по ссылке "Предприятия" доступен список предприятий, зарегистрированных в базе данных Lursoft IT с этим кодом NACE. Нажав на кнопку "SIC", можно ознакомиться с классификацией отраслей Великобритании, а также просмотреть предприятия из Великобритании, Латвии, Литвы и Эстонии, соответствующие выбранной отрасли.
Список Эстонскиx компаний. 10 | Manufacture of food products
This division is organised by activities dealing with different kinds of products: meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, fats and oils, milk products, grain mill products, animal feed and other food products. Production can be carried out for own account, as well as for third parties, as in custom slaughtering.
Some activities are considered manufacturing even though there is retail sale of the products in the producers own shop (for example, those activities performed in bakeries, pastry shops and prepared meat shops which sell their own production). However, where the processing is minimal and does not lead to a real transformation, the unit is classified to section G.
This division also includes the manufacture of liquids considered food or that use similar manufacturing processes (for example, milk and fruit juice/ concentrate).
This division excludes the preparation of meals for immediate consumption, see division 56.
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This group includes the manufacture of crude and refined oils and fats from vegetable or animal materials.
This group excludes the rendering or refining of lard and edible animal fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, see 10.1. |
This group includes the manufacture of crude and refined oils and fats from vegetable or animal materials.
This group excludes the rendering or refining of lard and edible animal fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, see 10.1. |
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This group excludes:
- production of plant-based milk substitutes, see 10.89 |
This group excludes:
- production of plant-based milk substitutes, see 10.89 |
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This group includes the milling of flour or meal from grains or vegetables, the cleaning, polishing and milling of rice, as well as the micronisation and thermal processing of flour and the manufacture of flour mixes or doughs from these products.
Also included in this group are the wet milling of corn and vegetables and the manufacture of starch and starch products. This group also includes the manufacture of gluten-free mill products. This group excludes: - grain drying on a fee or contract basis, see 01.63 |
This group includes the milling of flour or meal from grains or vegetables, the cleaning, polishing and milling of rice, as well as the micronisation and thermal processing of flour and the manufacture of flour mixes or doughs from these products.
Also included in this group are the wet milling of corn and vegetables and the manufacture of starch and starch products. This group also includes the manufacture of gluten-free mill products. This group excludes: - grain drying on a fee or contract basis, see 01.63 |
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This group includes the production of bakery products, macaroni, noodles and similar products.
This group also includes: - manufacture of gluten-free bakery and farinaceous products |
This group includes the production of bakery products, macaroni, noodles and similar products.
This group also includes: - manufacture of gluten-free bakery and farinaceous products |
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This group includes the production of sugar and confectionery, prepared meals and dishes, coffee, tea and spices.
This group includes the production of sugar and confectionery, prepared meals and dishes, coffee, tea and spices.
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